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S'Market TraX

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Urban Clouds

The Problem

African Americans are losing wealth rapidly over the next 32 years African American Families are expected to loose all of their wealth and be worth $0 on average.The median household wealth for Black people in the United States is going to drop to $0 by 2053. A study done by The Road to Zero Wealth report published by Prosperity Now and the Institute for Policy Studies. This study was done PRE - CORONAVIRUS!

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The Solution

Teaching African American youth to use the stock market through practice and Hip Hop Culture so the ideas can spread throughout the community as the students grow.

Trading Floor
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Why the stock market?

Home: Investment Products
Image by Bermix Studio
Happy Family
Image by Aaron Barnaby

Low Barrier to Entry

The stock market is accessible at a budget almost anyone can afford. You can start investing and trading with just $10. While other investments such as real estate are cash intensive.

Anti Racist

The stock market is an anti-racsit wealth building tool that allows a person to buy or sell assets using strategies that can be personalized to reflect the needs of the person using it without revealing any descriptive information.

Highly Mobile

Using your cell phone you can build wealth anywhere there is an internet connection. A person could remain in their neighborhood while making money on Wall Street.


Our Method

Make them sweat during training so they hemorrhage less cash during war


Hip Hop Culture

Rap music and Hip Hop Culture work together in tandem as a Trojan Horse for messages . It is used to make subjects more relatable and memorable we use Hip Hop Culture to seamlessly blend the ideas of getting rich to the knowledge it takes to get rich and stay that way. We are going to mix CNBC with MTV Jams to make the world of Wall Street more culturally relevant.

Stock Market Down

We are building a state of the art stock market simulator to keep track of all of our students development  and so the students can keep track of the market in real time .

Chess Pieces

A Competitive League

Competing makes everything more fun. Playing against other schools and classmates to make the best investment will create an atmosphere conducive to out the box thinking.

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Stock Market Graph

Price Action

"Keep taking notes You'll be paper stacking"

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Your Student Here.png

$2,500 Annually

SMTX gives teachers and students 12 months of access to our teaching platform, stock market simulator, competitive league, and The Show forabout $4 per month per student.

Why Stock Trading

SMTX builds skills in math, history, and business. We engage the user with a real life skill that can be transffered to real life situations almost immediately. Everyhting learned through SMTX can be shared with a students family and community to help foster a stronger and more inclusive learning environment.

Stock Market Quotes 2

Holla at us!!

We’re here to help you make smart investment decisions for your future. Contact us and let’s discuss your needs.

500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158


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